Use Cases for the emulation of the Drosophila nervous system
I am often asked, especially by VC types, what can you do with animal emulations? What they are really asking is how can this be applied and how can we make money? I will admit, emulating a nervous system is like telling people you are developing a new computer operating system. There are thousands of things you can run on an operating system so asking for the One thing, is analogous to asking what is the one thing you can run on your new OS that stands apart from all others? There is no One thing but thousands of things. If I emulated a complete human level system, what is the One thing it can do that would exceed all others? The human brain is capable of thousands and thousands of things it can do. I think you get the picture. The One thing that I have seen with all animal nervous system emulations is generalized intelligence. The one thing that current AI cannot accomplish which is being able to quickly adapt to any given situation and as we climb the evolutionary ...